Recruitment Health Check - Purpletribe

Low pay, poor sector reputation, lack of quality applicants, and spiralling Indeed costs are often blamed for recruitment failures but are rarely the cause of the problem.

As a recruitment consultancy, Purpletribe understand the importance of a seamless hiring process and how it can make or break a company’s success. The

Who is the Recruitment Health Check for?

Our Recruitment Health Check is designed to help Owners, Directors, and Recruitment Managers identify the bottlenecks and barriers hindering their recruitment process.

Purpletribe will provide you with recommendations that will enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your recruitment process, create a roadmap for sourcing and attracting top-quality staff, and improve candidate retention.

What does the Recruitment Health Check focus on?

The Recruitment Health Check will focus on three key business areas:


Your people


Your processes


Your technology

The benefit to you

Our expert consultants will conduct a comprehensive review of your current recruitment processes and procedures, providing you with a detailed report outlining areas for improvement. We’ll also present our recommendations for enhancing the ‘fit’ of candidates to both the role and your organisation, reducing the turnover of candidates, and ultimately helping you achieve your staffing needs.

How is the Recruitment Health Check Delivered?

Our Recruitment Health Check typically involves 2-days of on-site consultancy, 1-day consolidation and report writing, and a subsequent meeting to present back the results to the senior management team and agree on next steps. We understand that larger companies may require more time, and we’re ready to accommodate those needs.

The outcome for you

At the end of the project, you’ll have deeper understanding of what’s working and what’s not. Armed with this knowledge, you’ll be able to make informed decisions based on real-time data and take action to get your desired results. If you don’t have the time or capacity to implement the changes yourself, don’t worry – Purpletribe can fill any gaps and help you achieve your staffing goals.

Take Action

If you’re not getting the results you need from your recruitment efforts, and you don’t know why, the Recruitment Health Check is the perfect starting point for you. Let us help you achieve recruitment success and take your business to the next level.