Top tips for interviewing care workers - Purpletribe

So you’ve called your job applicants and screened them over the phone. They can drive (if you need them to), seem to have the soft skills and are open to a new role with you.

Whether they show up for an interview at all, let alone stay with you through onboarding and training, is all down to what you (and your team) do next.

Before you start searching your files or googling for the interview questions you need, here are the essentials we’ve learned:

1.Allocate at least 2 slots a week for interviews, so you or a colleague can schedule applicants you like in immediately. You’ll lose candidates by making them wait.

2. Reduce no shows by being flexible if they have clashing commitments.

3. Have someone you trust, and fully briefed to stand in for you if something crops up. You’re unlikely to get a second chance to see an applicant again.

4. Prepare yourself personally for the interview, be you on a good day – punctual, welcoming, and presentable. Role model the behaviour you’re expecting to see from the applicant.

5. They may have travelled some way or for some time, allow them to compose themselves. Take time to help make the applicant comfortable, offer a drink, loo directions.

6. Make sure the interview location represents your values, whether in the office or off-site. If it’s the office, make sure it’s clear of boxes and clean and tidy.

7. Plan to interview once only. Prepare your questions well. You don’t need many, pick your critical 10 and allow the conversation to cover some ground at the start if it helps you both get to know each other.

8. Always ask the applicant to have a think about whether they have anything further to say but haven’t had the chance. You may not have successfully drawn out the compelling reason for employing them immediately. Take your time to do a great interview, that also allows for questions from the applicant. Interview for longer, so you have the input you need to make an offer the same day.

9. Prepare the usual questions that applicants often ask you in interviews, in case they get tongue-tied. You can offer to share the answers to the questions you often hear, with them.

10. Ask the applicant if they have any other interviews scheduled, it’ll help you know how fast you’ll need to act.

11. If you like them, why wait? Make the offer at the end of the interview or at the end of the day (before that interview elsewhere).

12. Introduce applicants you like to their potential manager straight away, if it’s not you. This will be their most important work relationship. Show them around if you both have time.

13. Help them understand the benefits of working with your company, sell to them, and explain why they should work for you and not another company.

14. Be friendly, stay engaged, and have tenacity afterwards. If the time isn’t right for them now, it might be in the future. Or they might recommend a friend.

It might also help to think back to the best interview you ever had, and what made you want to join the company.

If you’re interested in whether you have enough compelling reasons for an applicant to join you and stay, we recommend you read The 7 ways to improve staff retention.

If you’d like to find out how we can support your values-based recruitment, feel free to book a call to find out more – no strings attached.

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